Saturday, April 11, 2009

home sweet home

well back to the same ole same ole, we got home from visiting my family in Calif. and had to take a few days to get used to the time changes and to reorganize the homestead. my dogs and son of course were all glad we got home.
it's hard to leave the family when they are so far away. You miss not being around them and seeing what they do on a daily basis. They all know i love and miss them and I always keep in touch with them.
Tonight I am getting ready to dye Easter eggs and wait for that fat bunny to unload all of that sweet candy. I just think dentist are loving this holiday as well as Halloween. All the children try to eat as much as they can and can't understand why they have cavities!

After all of the hoopla I am going to start sewing again, I have to make some stuff for the craft booth that I am in and then my mother in law and I are going to be in a craft show come july.
we cut things out of wood and paint on them and sell them. The show will be held in beaumont texas in july.

well it's egg time.............. have a happy holiday..........

Monday, April 6, 2009

getting to know me..............

It's blogging time, please forgive some of the spelling for I am not an english major or minor!
My name is melody and I love to craft and talk! what a combo huh?
Ever since I have been young I was taught by my mother to sew,from there on my creative juices have flown.
I am not a professional seamstress i just love sewing craft items and clothing of my own. If there is a pattern or idea I have in my head I try to create it.
My craft room is full of fabrics, paints, and any artsy crafty things. I am in business with my mother in law making wood crafts and sewing objects.